Call For A Free Consultation (904) 456-0070

One of the obvious points that you should consider before hiring a lawyer or filing a lawsuit is how much it will cost you in the long run. We understand that litigation, mediation, arbitration and lawsuits are expensive. It takes time, money, legal research, experts, cutting-edge technology and financial resources to win cases, obtain positive results and achieve maximum outcomes and compensation.

We take pride in handling legal matters professionally, efficiently and at a reasonable cost. We offer contingency fee arrangements, competitive flat-rate retainers and hourly-rate retainer arrangements. Jones Law Firm, is able to provide our clients with high-quality legal services at a much cheaper cost than the large, conventional-type law firm.

Our firm’s fee and billing rates are manageable and very competitive. Our billing arrangement in providing legal representation to you will depend on the nature and complexity of your case. We will keep your investment and costs in your case to the minimum by:

  1. Making An Honest And Accurate Assessment Of The Facts, Legal Issues And Applicable Laws Regarding Your Case;
  2. Making An Honest Estimate Of Legal Fees And Costs Up Front And At The Time We Evaluate Your Case;
  3. Offering Competitive Flat-Rate Retainer Fees That Enable Our Clients To Know The “Exact” Amount That They Will Be Expected To Pay For Legal Representation;
  4. Promptly Advising Our Clients If The Evidence, Witnesses, Events, And Circumstance Of Their Case Have Any Bearing On Our Initial Fee Billing And Cost Estimate;
  5. Not Charging Our Clients For Costs That Are Not Disclosed And Discussed Before Resources Are Committed For Needed Costs;
  6. Billing Our Clients Objectively And Honestly For Our Legal Representation And Services;
  7. Identifying Alternative Dispute Resolution Strategies That Will Enable Us To Spend Less Time Waiting For A Day In Court, And Less Billable Time, Fees And Legal Costs Than Typically Experienced In The Litigation And Trial Process.

Image of Attorney J. Eric Jones, Esq. - Jones Law Firm

Call For A Free Consultation

(904) 456-0070

(Appt. available 24/7

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