Call For A Free Consultation (904) 456-0070
When you have a legal case that is threatening to go to court, it is typically in the best interest of both parties to avoid formal litigation. Not only will this reduce the associated fees for each party, but it will also provide both parties with some much-needed breathing room by circumventing the long, arduous process of going to court. Arbitration is a popular form of dispute resolution where a neutral third party serves as an arbitrator, hearing both sides of the dispute in order to decide on a resolution.
When you are looking to avoid a formal court proceeding in Florida, it’s important to be sure whether or not you are able to settle your dispute with an arbitrator. There can be many factors that contribute toward determining whether or not your case may be handled through arbitration. Once you know the necessary requirements for arbitration, you can proceed with your case accordingly.
In some contracts and legal agreements in Florida, you will find an arbitration clause, stipulating that any disputes resulting from the contract are required to be resolved through arbitration rather than engaging in court proceedings. However, this clause is not always a requirement to bring a case to arbitration.
In Florida, both parties in a dispute can enter into a voluntary agreement to arbitrate their case. This does not depend on any stipulations made in a previous agreement. However, both parties must mutually consent to pursue arbitration over litigation. With this in mind, it is important to consider that certain cases are either difficult or near impossible to resolve through arbitration.
For instance, Florida courts will not allow you to resolve a criminal case through arbitration. Certain other cases, like family law disputes or particular statutory claims, can slip through the cracks based on unique exceptions but, for the most part, are also ineligible for arbitration. As a rule of thumb, arbitration is generally a viable option for private matters such as contract disputes or personal injury claims.
When you are embroiled in a dispute and fear that your case could end up in court, it can be very difficult to know where to turn and what steps to take in order to mitigate the consequences of the courtroom.
When you team up with Attorney Eric Jones, you are placing your case in the competent hands of an attorney who represents a legal team devoted to bringing you results. Allow our dedicated professionals at Jones Law Firm to guide you through the process and help you leave your dispute feeling satisfied and unscathed.
If you are struggling to find an arbitration law firm in Tampa, FL, that will fight to protect your time and money, look no further. The team at Jones Law Firm is prepared to lead you toward a resolution that you can be proud of, helping you win back peace of mind and move forward. Don’t wait. Call us today at (904) 456-0070 for a free initial consultation!